Source code for plato.draw.vispy.Spheres

import itertools

import numpy as np

from ... import mesh
from .internal import GLPrimitive, GLShapeDecorator
from ... import draw
from ..internal import ShapeAttribute

[docs]@GLShapeDecorator class Spheres(draw.Spheres, GLPrimitive): __doc__ = draw.Spheres.__doc__ shaders = {} shaders['vertex'] = """ uniform mat4 camera; uniform vec4 rotation; uniform vec3 translation; uniform int transparency_mode; attribute vec4 color; attribute vec3 position; attribute vec2 image; attribute float radius; attribute vec4 shape_id; varying vec4 v_color; varying vec3 v_position; varying vec2 v_image; varying float v_radius; varying float v_depth; varying vec4 v_shape_id; vec3 rotate(vec3 point, vec4 quat) { vec3 result = (quat.x*quat.x - dot(quat.yzw, quat.yzw))*point; result += 2.0*quat.x*cross(quat.yzw, point); result += 2.0*dot(quat.yzw, point)*quat.yzw; return result; } void main() { vec3 vertexPos = position; vec2 localPos = image*radius; vertexPos = rotate(vertexPos, rotation) + vec3(localPos, 0.0) + translation; vec4 screenPosition = camera * vec4(vertexPos, 1.0); int should_discard = 0; should_discard += int(transparency_mode < 0 && color.a < 1.0); should_discard += int(transparency_mode > 0 && color.a >= 1.0); if(should_discard > 0) screenPosition = vec4(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0); // transform to screen coordinates gl_Position = screenPosition; v_color = color; v_image = localPos; v_radius = radius; v_position = vertexPos; v_depth = vertexPos.z; v_shape_id = shape_id; } """ shaders['fragment'] = """ #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; #endif // base light level uniform float ambientLight; // (x, y, z) direction*intensity uniform vec3 diffuseLight[NUM_DIFFUSELIGHT]; uniform int transparency_mode; uniform mat4 camera; uniform float light_levels; uniform float outline; varying vec4 v_color; varying vec2 v_image; varying float v_radius; varying float v_depth; void main() { float rsq = dot(v_image, v_image); float Rsq = v_radius*v_radius; float r = sqrt(rsq); float lambda1 = 1.0; if(outline > 1e-6) { lambda1 = (v_radius - r)/outline; lambda1 *= lambda1; lambda1 *= lambda1; lambda1 *= lambda1; lambda1 *= lambda1; lambda1 = min(lambda1, 1.0); } if(r > v_radius) discard; vec3 r_local = vec3(v_image.xy, sqrt(Rsq - rsq)); vec3 normal = normalize(r_local); float light = ambientLight; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_DIFFUSELIGHT; ++i) light += max(0.0, -dot(normal, diffuseLight[i])); if(light_levels > 0.0) { light *= light_levels; light = floor(light); light /= light_levels; } vec4 color = vec4(*lambda1*light, v_color.w); #ifndef WEBGL float depth = v_depth + r_local.z; gl_FragDepth = 0.5*(camera[2][2]*depth + camera[3][2] + camera[2][3]*depth + camera[3][3])/(camera[2][3]*depth + camera[3][3]); #endif float z = abs(v_depth); float alpha = color.a; float weight = alpha*max(3e3*pow( (1.0 - gl_FragCoord.z), 3.0), 1e-2); if(transparency_mode < 1) gl_FragColor = color; else if(transparency_mode == 1) gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb*alpha, alpha)*weight; else gl_FragColor = vec4(alpha); } """ shaders['fragment_plane'] = """ // base light level uniform mat4 camera; uniform float render_positions = 0.0; varying vec3 v_position; varying vec2 v_image; varying float v_radius; varying float v_depth; void main() { float rsq = dot(v_image, v_image); float Rsq = v_radius*v_radius; if(rsq > Rsq) discard; vec3 r_local = vec3(v_image.xy, sqrt(Rsq - rsq)); vec3 normal = normalize(r_local); #ifndef WEBGL float depth = v_depth + r_local.z; gl_FragDepth = 0.5*(camera[2][2]*depth + camera[3][2] + camera[2][3]*depth + camera[3][3])/(camera[2][3]*depth + camera[3][3]); #endif if(render_positions > 0.5) gl_FragColor = vec4(, 1.0); else if(render_positions < -0.5) gl_FragColor = 0.5 + 0.5*vec4(, 1.0); else // Store the plane equation as a color gl_FragColor = vec4(normal, dot(normal,; } """ shaders['fragment_pick'] = """ uniform mat4 camera; uniform vec4 pick_prim_index; varying vec3 v_position; varying vec2 v_image; varying float v_radius; varying float v_depth; varying vec4 v_shape_id; void main() { float rsq = dot(v_image, v_image); float Rsq = v_radius*v_radius; if(rsq > Rsq) discard; vec3 r_local = vec3(v_image.xy, sqrt(Rsq - rsq)); vec3 normal = normalize(r_local); #ifndef WEBGL float depth = v_depth + r_local.z; gl_FragDepth = 0.5*(camera[2][2]*depth + camera[3][2] + camera[2][3]*depth + camera[3][3])/(camera[2][3]*depth + camera[3][3]); #endif gl_FragColor = pick_prim_index + v_shape_id; } """ _vertex_attribute_names = ['shape_id', 'position', 'color', 'radius', 'image'] _GL_UNIFORMS = list(itertools.starmap(ShapeAttribute, [ ('camera', np.float32, np.eye(4), 2, False, 'Internal: 4x4 Camera matrix for world projection'), ('ambientLight', np.float32, .25, 0, False, 'Internal: Ambient (minimum) light level for all surfaces'), ('diffuseLight[]', np.float32, DEFAULT_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS, 2, False, 'Internal: Diffuse light direction*magnitude'), ('rotation', np.float32, (1, 0, 0, 0), 1, False, 'Internal: Rotation to be applied to each scene as a quaternion'), ('translation', np.float32, (0, 0, 0), 1, False, 'Internal: Translation to be applied to the scene'), ('transparency_mode', np.int32, 0, 0, False, 'Internal: Transparency stage (<0: opaque, 0: all, 1: ' 'translucency stage 1, 2: translucency stage 2)'), ('light_levels', np.float32, 0, 0, False, 'Number of light levels to quantize to (0: disable)'), ('outline', np.float32, 0, 0, False, 'Outline for all particles') ])) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): GLPrimitive.__init__(self) draw.Spheres.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def update_arrays(self): try: for name in self._dirty_attributes: self._gl_vertex_arrays[name][:] = self._attributes[name] self._dirty_vertex_attribs.add(name) except (ValueError, KeyError): # vertices for an equilateral triangle triangle = np.array([[2, 0], [-1, np.sqrt(3)], [-1, -np.sqrt(3)]], dtype=np.float32)*1.01 shape_ids = np.arange(len(self), dtype=np.uint32).view(np.uint8).reshape((-1, 4)) shape_ids = shape_ids.astype(np.float32)/255 vertex_arrays = mesh.unfoldProperties( [shape_ids, self.positions, self.colors, self.radii.reshape((-1, 1))], [triangle]) unfolded_shape = vertex_arrays[0].shape[:-1] indices = (np.arange(unfolded_shape[0])[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]*unfolded_shape[1] + np.array([[0, 1, 2]], dtype=np.uint32)) indices = indices.reshape((-1, 3)) self._finalize_array_updates(indices, vertex_arrays) self._dirty_attributes.clear()