Source code for plato.draw.matplotlib.Scene

import contextlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import numpy as np

from ... import draw

def manage_matplotlib_interactive():
    was_interactive = pp.isinteractive()

    yield None
    if was_interactive:

[docs]class Scene(draw.Scene): __doc__ = (draw.Scene.__doc__ or '') + """ This Scene supports the following features: * *antialiasing*: Enable antialiasing. Primitives that support antialiasing will fudge some distances (typically for drawing outlines) to reduce visual artifacts. """
[docs] def render(self, figure=None, axes=None): """Render all the shapes in this Scene. :param figure: Figure object to render within (created using pyplot if not given) :param axes: Axes object to render within (created from the figure if not given) """ if figure is None: dpi = pp.rcParams.get('figure.dpi', 72) real_size = self.size_pixels/dpi figure = pp.figure(figsize=real_size, dpi=dpi) if axes is None: axes = figure.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], frame_on=False, xmargin=0, ymargin=0) kwargs = dict(rotation=self.rotation, size=self.size, pixel_scale=self.pixel_scale, zoom=self.zoom) if 'antialiasing' in self.enabled_features: pixel_size = np.array(figure.get_size_inches(), dtype=np.float32)*figure.dpi kwargs['aa_pixel_size'] = np.max(np.array(self.size, dtype=np.float32)/pixel_size)/self.zoom else: kwargs['aa_pixel_size'] = 0 if 'ambient_light' in self.enabled_features: kwargs['ambient_light'] = self.get_feature_config('ambient_light')['value'] feature_cfg = self.get_feature_config('directional_light') if feature_cfg is not None: lights = feature_cfg.get('value', (.25, .5, -1)) lights = np.atleast_2d(lights).astype(np.float32) kwargs['directional_light'] = lights current_patches = [] for prim in self._primitives: if hasattr(prim, '_render_patches'): current_patches.extend(prim._render_patches(axes, **kwargs)) else: # render any patches that have accumulated self._render_patches(current_patches, axes) prim.render(axes, **kwargs) self._render_patches(current_patches, axes) (width, height) = self.size.astype(np.float32)/self.zoom (shift_x, shift_y, _) = -self.translation axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes.autoscale(False, tight=True) axes.set_xlim(-width/2 + shift_x, width/2 + shift_x) axes.set_ylim(-height/2 + shift_y, height/2 + shift_y) axes.set_aspect(1) return (figure, axes)
def _render_patches(self, patches, axes): if not patches: return all_patches = [] all_colors = [] for (p, c) in patches: all_patches.extend(p) all_colors.append(c) all_colors = np.concatenate(all_colors, axis=0) sort_indices = np.argsort([patch.zorder for patch in all_patches]) collection = PatchCollection([all_patches[i] for i in sort_indices]) collection.set_facecolor(all_colors[sort_indices]) axes.add_collection(collection) patches.clear()
[docs] def show(self, figure=None, axes=None): """Render and show the shapes in this Scene. :param figure: Figure object to render within (created using pyplot if not given) :param axes: Axes object to render within (created from the figure if not given) """ (figure, _) = self.render(figure, axes) return
[docs] def save(self, filename, figure=None, axes=None): """Render and save an image of this Scene. :param filename: target filename to save the image into """ (figure, _) = self.render(figure, axes) return figure.savefig(filename, dpi=figure.dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def _ipython_display_(self): import IPython.display with manage_matplotlib_interactive(): (fig, _) = self.render() return IPython.display.display(fig, display_id=str(id(self)))